Desk Tray Size Guide
Our desk tray family has three sizes: small, medium and large. They're designed to coordinate for a full storage solution, or work on their own for a simple standalone.
Combination Powers
We've studied thousands of desks, and for the most part, people need more storage. For pens, pencils, chapstick, AirPods, sticky notes, small toy cars—the things that you use or keep at your desk. Pair all three of our trays, and you're well on your way to taming the mess.

The depth is the same on each, with a variety of pocket sizes and widths as diagrammed below.
The desk shelf is the perfect partner for the combined set: with the large desk shelf and its integrated brushed aluminum shelf, you have a place to store all three trays for a minimal look that really cleans up your desk.
Holds: All the small things you're likely to keep at your desk!

Our original design—13" by 8.75", with four distinct pockets to give you space for a variety of things. It nests perfectly in the right hand side of the desk shelf.

Holds: Pens and pencils + thumb tacks + your wallet + chapstick + AirPods + a few thumb drives.

The medium is (as you might expect) our middle size. In many instances, it can be just right, just like the fairy tales say. It fits on any of our desk shelves. It's almost a perfect square, 8.6" x 8.75", with two pockets to organize your things.

Holds: A few pens + your wallet OR your three favorite highlighters + your AirPods + chapstick.

The small: a simplified storage solution. Our narrowest tray, it has a single cork pocket, for a minimal tray that cleans things up nicely.

Holds: A handful of colored pencils OR your AirPods + a USB thumb drive OR $3 in loose change.
Small medium and large desk trays with varying sizes compartments, pulled out from a maple desk shelf.
Overhead view of the small and medium dark cork desk trays, holding colored pencils and office supplies.
Wide shot of the large maple desk shelf with all three sizes of desk tray in place.
The Desk Tray as part of the Walnut Desk Shelf System.
The Lineup
With each size you get the same premium, bent brushed-aluminum chassis, and pocketed cork interior (hand stained with sumi ink in the case of the dark version). The natural cork foot protects your desk and gives the tray just the right cushion.

Further Reading